Prepping for the Hunt: A Guide to Hunting Skills – Happy Outdoors

Preppers invest time and money in food storage. Some people have managed to store up as much as 50 000 pounds of food. This is admirable and an excellent way to be prepared, but I lean more towards the old saying: If you give a child a fish you can feed him for one day. You can feed a child for life if you teach him to fish. In the event of a breakdown in infrastructure, it is unlikely that you would be able go to your local hunting shop to buy ammo or arrows. You may also not have access to cover scent. It’s best that you start learning about the skills needed to hunt in this environment as soon as possible. Bow hunting is a great skill to have because it’s more quiet and protects you from other people hearing your shot.

Start with the bow. The string is the only exception to this rule. It is simple to learn how to tie your bowstring. You can even do it on your own. You’ll require a bow press and string as well as a serving jig to complete this task. If you are able to shop efficiently, you can get these items for as low as $250. How do you string your bow now that you have these things? My local pro-shop asked me to give up my time to learn this skill in exchange for my volunteering. The big chain stores are unlikely to be willing, however small outfitters will. I think that is a great trade.

After you’ve learned to string an arrow, it is time to choose your broadhead and arrow. In this fast-paced modern society, forget about the arrow’s speed. As a prepper, durability is the best thing you can do. You’ll want to find arrows with broadheads that can be used for more than just one meal. My personal preference is to purchase the Carbon Express Terminator Arrows and G5 Montec Broad Heads. These items are chosen for durability, durability and durability. This arrow/broadhead combo has been used to kill two deer since I switched. They are in such good condition, that I plan on using it again this fall. Carbon arrows are my first choice because of their durability, and unlike aluminum, they will not bend or dent, which could affect the flight. The fixed blades of the G5 Montec Broad Head are why I choose it. It’s good for two different reasons. There are no mechanical parts to be replaced, like you might on a broadhead. It can also be resharpened because the design is one-piece. When you are shopping for these products, consider durability.

cooking over fire 2 - Prepping for the Hunt: A Guide to Hunting Skills

The last is the protection against scent. There are many different scents and clothing that control scents. Unfortunately, these things won’t do you any good if the store where they are sold is closed. What should you do now? Since a very long time, I’ve been hunting by campfire. In a world without electricity, we’ll use fires for many purposes. The smell of fire will fill the air. It will be to your benefit. Stand by the fireplace before you go hunting so you will also smell the same as the animals. You will be virtually indistinguishable to game with a keen sense of scent. You can now cross off the scent-free clothing and covering scents from your list. You will have to take extra care when field dressing your kill. Take some time to learn about the anatomy of game. When you are ready to prepare your meal, have an empty bottle on hand. This will allow you to collect the urine that is still in the bladder. Problem solved!

These simple ideas will give you the confidence that even if your food supplies were destroyed, you would still have enough to eat and save your ammunition for “zombies”.

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