Stringing Along with Water Filtration – Happy Outdoors

This is an inexpensive water filter I did over the weekend. This method was one I learned while in the army several years back. It is the easiest, simplest way I have ever seen. You will need two containers, a piece of cord or cloth, and a string.

Place the dirty/muddy water container at a slight elevation above the empty, clean container. While holding the other end, place the string into the dirty container. Be careful not to let the end that you’re holding completely submerge. Next, run the string through the container of clean water. The water will start to flow from the dirty container into the clean one almost instantly. It took 30 minutes to process one quart of dirty water with paracord.

fondoCart 1 - Stringing Along with Water Filtration

The method can be used to filter water collected in mud-puddles or other similar locations. This method will not eliminate pathogens or bacteria from contaminated water.

Remember that if you consume water of questionable quality, you must be rescued in three days. The effects of drinking bad water can be very harmful to your health after that depending on contaminants.

Contrary to commercial filters, this system has not been tested for either 200 or 1000 gallons. Use common sense when doing this. This method is so simple that you can try it at home.

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